Boy howdy I love me some gaps. It’s been almost three years since I have managed to pull together enough gumption to put my thoughts together enough to vomit them all over your screen. Sure, there have been several half-baked and half-thought ideas since early 2013, but never any real motivation to gather them concretely and click the “publish” button. …
Beware of who you ask for
My name is Justin. Sure, it’s not the most common name (though I have, for some reason, been friends with many a Justin over my years), but it’s what my folks deemed to label me with. It’s not even a particularly hard name to pronounce. It’s spelled relatively normal with a good ratio of consonants to vowels and it doesn’t …
Classic confrontations
My brain is a rich nest of useless trivia and random thoughts. In any given day, random fluff bubbles to the surface and cracks me up for no apparent reason. There is no rhyme nor reason to most of the idiocy that streams through my skull and I very rarely share the true oddities with anyone. For that reason alone, …
In case of Rapture, I’ll be right here
Well, the Rapture is upon us (again). Harold Camping of Family Radio has freakin’ “guaranteed” that the Bible says we’ve got until around 5PM EDT on Saturday, May 21, 2011 and then that’s it for all the “chosen.” Part of me really hopes Mr. Camping is right. Aside from his predictions about massive earthquakes and the world splitting and all …
Don’t eff with my lunch
I did something today that I haven’t done at all in my adult life: I didn’t leave a tip at a restaurant. As someone who has worked in a variety of restaurant jobs over the course of my teens and twenties, I cut a lot of slack for a lot of the standard crap that goes on in the course …
Nukin’ Chips, and I don’t mean Ponch and Jon
There is a special place in my heart for the relationship between the microwave oven and the potato. Such an innocuous combination was responsible for the beginning of an amazing friendship and the formation of the Forkers. With that in mind, I approached the melding of microwaves and starchy tuber after reading Savory Sweet Life’s article on “How To Make …
Divine hammer? I sure think so
Something to consider each and every day is your level of preparedness when the zombie apocalypse comes. This may sound farcical, but being ready to not be overcome by flesh-eating masses of the undead will pretty much make you ready for anything. To this end, I spend more than my fair share of time thinking about how best to defend …
Take me for a fool?
As many of you know, April Fool’s Day also coincides with my birthday. I’m sure many of you who weren’t previously “in the know” are now smacking your heads and thinking “that explains so much.” That’s right, every time Mr. T utters “I pity the fool” he’s talking about me. The life of a fool is relatively simple. People don’t …
You are only as old as your doctor tells you
This next week marks my achievement of making yet another complete rotation around the sun on this ferro-nickel rock ball we call home. Coinciding with my annual trek, I have recently become painfully aware of the limits of my quickly dilapidating frame. Two factors contribute to my current tales of woe. First, in a matter of freak genetics, the males …
That old rugged chair
I’d like to preface this entry with a disclaimer. If you are at all religious and/or are offended easily, you’d better stop reading right here. Are they gone yet? OK, I’ll proceed. This weekend I had the very fortunate opportunity to attend the wedding of two friends. It was a lovely small service in a quaint wedding chapel and that …
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