Ahh, the wonders of Friday. Survive today and, more than likely, you’ll have two free days of mirth and merriment that just don’t last long enough. OK, enough of the palaver, down to the tunes. I thought I’d take things up a level this week and leave the selection of the Friday playlist to the hands of fate, or, at …
Wherein Justin “reads” books and sounds smart and shits
A terribly sad thing happened on my way in to work this fine morning: I finally finished Jim Butcher’s Turn Coat. At 7:18AM CST I caught up with the rest of the world and now have to wait until April until I can get another Harry Dresden fix. In explaining the “Dresden Files” books to many of my friends, however, …
We make holes in links
My general email address has been public for well over a dozen years, so I get a lot of spam. I’ve got some pretty good filters nowadays, but the amount that piles up in that trash folder can be pretty staggering. This really didn’t bother me until I started writing this blog. I am amazed at how many spam blog …
Coding in the Hellmouth
Every couple of weeks my email inbox gets bombarded by offers of contract employment in strange and far off cities. I just about always check out where the job is in case I know someone that direction who might be interested (referral cash is as good as free money), but I generally just click the delete button and send these …
Friday Playlist #3
Well, it’s Friday again, and that means more freakin’ music from me. I know I’ve been extra slacky this week, but that is, indeed, my prerogative (and I don’t mean the Bobby Brown kind). This week’s offering leans a little more towards the fast and dirty. I’ve basically been cooped up all week, so that almost always gets reflected in …
I’ve got your artistic talent right here…
I think often about getting out of the Information Technology business. As I sit here typing this out today, my left hand is, once again, trussed up like a Victorian strumpet thanks to mysterious wrist pain. Too many video games? Too much masturbation? No, I think this actually came from working; and by work I mean typing out hundreds of …
Stalin’s got nothing on me
I’m a hoarder. I’ve mentioned it before and I totally own up to the fact that I probably have a pathological problem. The thing is, I don’t give a rat’s ass. I enjoy my behavior. In fact, I can’t even bring myself to watch the crazy Hoarders show on A&E because it depresses me that packrat behavior is the new disease …
Friday Playlist #2
So I’ve been a little lax this week. Truth be told, it’s been the week from hell and I really didn’t feel like venting via blog. It’s much easier to punch people in the face than spout invective about them online. That’s the power of action, people. Remember that. So, here we are with the second installment of a weekly …
What? No cheat codes? WTF?!?!?!
Generally I’m a pretty stressed out person. I’m not sure how that is different than anyone else living in modernity, but at least I’m aware that I’m usually pretty jacked up on a day-to-day basis. What’s worse is that I understand that the amounts of stress I consider myself under is not all that healthy; and that stresses me out …
Friday Playlist #1!
Not that you people asked for it, but I made an executive decision that I, starting today, will share with you, my loyal minions, a playlist of music that you should already be listening to on each Friday. The genres will clash, tempos will vary wildly, but I don’t give a good goddamn. That’s how Friday works! I have at …